Tuesday, January 15, 2013


10 Penyanyi Wanita Terbaik di Dunia

Mariah Carey
Profil Vokal :
Nada Tertinggi: G#7 (Live performance of "Emotions" at the 1991 MTV VMA's, Arsenio Hall), F7 (dalam lagu "All In Your Mind")
Nada Terendah: A2, B2 (dalam lagu "My All") ,G#2 Live saat wawancara..
Range Vokal: 5+ octaves (E2-G#7)
Nada terpanjang : 20 seconds (dalam lagu "Lead The Way".)
Mariah Carey dengan Gaya Melismatiknya berhasil menghasilkan 200juta keping single dan album lebih di seluruh dunia. Penghargaan sebanyak 5 grammy Awards dan 18 nomer 1 singelnya di billboard awards cukup untuk membuktikan dialah artis wanita tersukses sepanjang masa dengan julukan "the real diva" atau "The Sexiest diva". Meski kini banyak fans yang bilang kalo Mariah Carey ini kehilangan suaranya yang dulu, tak membuat mariah membiarkan begitu saja tuduhan-tuduhan tidak benar itu. bahkan dengan warna suara yang sekarang lagu2nya terasa lebih "serak-serak basah" dibanding lagu2nya pas tahun 90 an dulu dan tetep whistle menjadi andalnnya...mariah carey memang memiliki kemampuan whistle hingga nada G#7 namun untuk bernyanyi dia hanya bisa mencapai nada kira2 C#7. wow, cukup tinggi bukan di oktaf ke 7 tersebut mengingat penyanyi kebanggaan indonesia "Gita Gutawa" saja paling mentong sampe oktaf ke 6 yaitu C6. mariah carey sebenarnya memiliki warna suara alto, namun saking luasnya range vokal dia dapat mencakup wilayah soprano. suara asli (bukan falseto)nya dapat mencapai nada G#5. Majalah Cove menempatkan Mariah carey dalam urutan ke 2 penyanyi terbaik dunia. recomended songs and live video (Fly like a Bird, Emotions, against all odds)

Vocal Profiles:
High Tone: G # 7 (Live performance of "Emotions" at the 1991 MTV VMA's, Arsenio Hall), F7 (in the song "All In Your Mind")
Tone Low: A2, B2 (in the song "My All"), G # 2 Live at the interview ..
Vocal Range: 5 + octaves (E2-G # 7)
Tone longest: 20 seconds (in the song "Lead The Way".)
Mariah Carey in Style Melismatiknya successfully produced 200juta more singles and albums worldwide. As many as five Grammy Awards and 18 Awards singelnya number 1 on the billboard awards sufficient to prove he was the most successful female artist of all time with the nickname "the real diva" or "The Sexiest diva". Although now a lot of fans who say if Mariah Carey was the first loss of his voice, do not make mariah forego the allegations are not true. even with the current color lagu2nya sound feels more "husky" than lagu2nya fitting the 90's first and tetep whistle into andalnnya ... mariah carey whistle does have the ability to tone G # 7 but to sing he can only attain an kira2 C # 7. wow, is not high enough in the 7th octave singer is given pride of Indonesia "Gita Perry" course at the octave to 6 mentong until the C6. mariah carey actually has color alto voice, but he was so wide vocal range can include soprano territory. original sound (not falseto) it can achieve the tone G # 5. Magazine Cove put Mariah Carey to the second in order of the world's best singer. recomended songs and live video (Fly like a Bird, Emotions, against all odds)

Celine Dion

Tipe Suara: Lyric mezzo soprano
Nada Tertinggi: E6
Nada terrendah: B2- A new dawn
Range Vocal: 3oktav 3notes octaves (B2-E6)

Diva dunia yang satu ini tak mau kalah dengan Mariah Carey Sepanjang perjalanan kariernya, Celine telah menerima banyak penghargaan diantaranya: 5 Grammy Awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 21 Juno Awards dan 39 Felix Awards. majalah Cove meletakkan Celine dion pada posisi ke-4 penyanyi dunia. sudah tak diragukan lagi power dan teknik bernyanyi yang dimiliki wanita satu ini dengan total score (+49.2) sangat bagus, karen nilai sempurna adalah 50, sedangkan penyanyi dunia seperti R kelly saja bertahan di posisi 66 dengan score -18. Celine sering bernyanyi menggunakan teknik head voice yang sangat cocok digunakan untuk belting nada-nada tinggi. (all by my self, my heart will go on, i sUrrender)

Voice Type: Lyric mezzo soprano
High Tone: E6
Tone bottommost: B2-A new dawn
Vocal Range: 3oktav 3notes octaves (B2-E6)

Diva of the world is not to be outdone by Mariah Carey Throughout his career, Celine has received many awards including: 5 Grammy Awards, 12 World Music Awards, 7 American Music Awards, 7 Billboard Music Awards, 21 Juno Awards and 39 Felix Awards. Cove magazine put Celine Dion on the 4th position singers the world. was no doubt the power and technique of singing this one woman possessed with a total score (+49.2) is very good, karen perfect score is 50, while singers like R kelly world just to survive in the top 66 with a score of -18. Celine sings often use head voice technique that is suitable for belting high notes. (all by my self, my heart will go on, I Surrender)

Sarah Brightman

Tipe suara: Lyrics soprano
Range Vocal : B2-F6
Tentu sudah tidak diragukan lagi kualitas suara penyanyi klasik dunia seperti yang satu ini. kebanyakan memang penyanyi klasik terlatih untuk menguasai segala genre lagu dengan teknik pembawaanya sendiri. termasuk wanita yang satu ini, meski umurnya yang sudah setengah abad, namun kualitas vokal tetap terjaga. sarah brightman terkenal akan kekuatan vokal dan kepiawaiannya dalam tekin falsetto, tak heran gita gutawa pun sangat meng idolakannya. saat bernyanyi, dia memang yang paling super perfect. hingga saat ini, sarah brightman masih menduduki peringkat 1 di billboard music untuk penyanyi klasik dan dance. dia juga mendapatkan 16o emas dan platinum di 34 negara di seluruh dunia. (The Phantom of the opera,Symphony,Time to say goodbye)

Voice Type: Lyrics soprano
Vocal Range: B2-F6
Would have no doubt the sound quality classical singer the world like this one. most are classically trained singer to master any genre songs with pembawaanya own technique. including this one lady, even though the half-century old, but the vocal quality is maintained. sarah brightman famous for his skill in vocal power and tekin falsetto, it's no wonder gita also profoundly idolakannya feat. when he's singing, he's the most super perfect. to date, sarah brightman still ranked first in the billboard music for classical singers and dance. He also gets 16o gold and platinum in 34 countries around the world. (The Phantom of the Opera, Symphony, Time to say goodbye)

Tarja Turunen

Tipe suara : dramatic Coloratura sopraneno
Nada tertinggi dalam suara asli : E6
Range vokal : 3+oktave[/b]

Setelah keluar dari band metal syphoni "NIGHTWISh" Tarja turunen memutuskan untuk memulai karir solonya yang tetap ber genre symphonic metal yang masih dalam genre opera metal..tarja turunen dikenal kepiawannya dalam menaik turunkan nada dengan berbagai efek suara yang dia buat. jangan ragu dengan suara penyanyi dengan teknik menyanyi opera yang satu ini. suara aslinya dapat mencapai nada E6 ! bayangkan dengan Mariah carey,Christina Aguilera maupun celine dion yang hanya mampu menahan nada hingga F5 saja (full voice yang saya maksud). memang penyanyi satu ini memang mengandalkan suara aslinya yang "Luar Biasa!" meskipun baru berkarir pada 2007 dia sudah memperoleh beberapa penghargaan seperti ECHO dan emma Awards. (winter storm,i walk alone,phantom of the opera) (with nightwish = the siren,ghost love score)

Voice Type: Coloratura dramatic sopraneno
Highest pitch in the original sound: E6
Vocal range: 3 + oktave [/ b]

After exiting syphoni metal band "Nightwish" Tarja Turunen decided to start his solo career which still air symphonic metal genre that is still in the opera genre known metal .. Tarja Turunen kepiawannya the lower ascending tones with various sound effects that he created. do not hesitate to voice singing opera singers with the technique on this one. original sound can reach E6 tone! imagine with Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Celine Dion were only able to hold up to F5 tone alone (full voice I mean). This indeed is the singer of the original counting on "Extraordinary!" although a new career in 2007 he has gained several awards such as ECHO and emma Awards. (winter storm, i walk alone, phantom of the opera) (with Nightwish = the siren, ghost love score)

Christina Aguilera

Profil Vokal
Tipe Suara: Spinto Soprano
Nada tertinggi: A6, G#6
Nada terendah: C3, D3
Range Vokal: 4 octaves (C3-A6)

Ini dia penyanyi yang menduduki peringkat pertama majalh Cove dengan nilai sempurna +50. Christina Aguilera bernyanyi dengan mengandalkan chest Voice yang terkenal "garang" dan kuat. Agnes Monica adalah salah satu penyanyi indonesia yang mengagumi penyanyi dunia ini. kemampuannya bernyanyi sambil nge-dance juga oke, Christina juga memiliki kemampuan untuk bernyanyi dengan whistle register seperti yang dimiliki pendahulunya, Mariah Carey. Namun, Christina tidak menggunakan teknik vokal itu dan lebih memilih untuk bernyanyi dengan suara mid-oktaf yang kuat.selain memperoleh sebanyak 4 grammy awards, christina juga sempat mampir di urutan pertama Billboard music awards untuk beberapa kali.(genie in a botle, reflections,hurt)

Vocal profiles
Voice Type: Spinto Soprano
Highest pitch: A6, G # 6
Lowest tone: C3, D3
Vocal range: 4 octaves (C3-A6)

Here it is the singer who was ranked first with a perfect score majalh Cove +50. Christina Aguilera sang the famous Voice relying chest "ferocious" and strong. Agnes Monica is one of the Indonesian singer who admires the singer's world. ability to sing while dancing is also okay, Christina also has the ability to sing the whistle register like those of his predecessor, Mariah Carey. However, Christina did not use vocal techniques and prefer to sing with mid-octave voice kuat.selain gained as much as 4 Grammy awards, christina also briefly stopped in the first Billboard music awards for several times. (Genie in a botle, reflections, hurt)



Sharon Den Adel

Tipe suara :Lyrical spinto soprano
Range Vokal : +-3oktav

Seperti Sarah brightman, Sharon den adel sangat piawai dalam memainkan suara falsetto, bedanya sharon tidak memainkannya dengan teknik opera seperti sarah brightman. Sharon den adel adalah vokalis band dari belanda "WiThin Temptation" yang mendapat julukan sebagai The queen of Gothic dan The most female Headbanged karena kemampuannya bernyanyi sampil seringnya dia berngguk-angguk(ciri khas penyanyi metal). Sharon memiliki bawaan suara asli yang kuat dan improvisasi dalam suara falset nya beraneka ragam. tergantung lagu yang dia bawakan. bisa ngepop,nge rock dan suara2 belting khas metal gitu. satu lagi yang sangat kontras dia bisa menyanyikan lagu pop trance saat dia duet bersama DJ nomer satu Armin van Buuren. selain itu, sharon den adel adalah perancang busana yang sangat terkenal, so gak heran kalo pakaian2 yang dia kenakan saat konser pasti keren.(jillian,Memories,Angels)

Voice Type: Lyrical spinto soprano
Vocal Range: +-3oktav

As Sarah brightman, Sharon den adel is very good at playing a falsetto voice, the difference sharon not play with techniques like sarah brightman opera. Sharon den adel is the lead singer of the Dutch band "Within Temptation" dubbed as the queen of Gothic and the most female Headbanged for his ability to sing many times she berngguk sampil his head (typical metal singer). Sharon has a strong innate original sound and improvisation in his voice Falset diverse. depending on the songs he had brought. be poppy, jamming rock and metal so typical suara2 belting. one more very contrast she can sing pop trance when she duets with the number one DJ Armin van Buuren. besides, sharon den adel is a very famous fashion designer, so do not be surprised if pakaian2 he wore during concerts definitely cool. (jillian, Memories, Angels)

Beyonce Knowles

Tipe suara: Full Soprano
Nada tertinggi: D6 , E6, memungkinkan ke F6
Nada Terendah: C3, D3
Range Vokal: (approx) 3.5 octaves (C3-E6)

Beyonce adalah penyanyi yang baru-baru ini menyabet 6Nominasi Grammy awards sekaligus, menjadi Women of the year di tahun yang sama dan beberapa kali pula menduduki peringkat #1 untuk single nya di illboard Music. mungkin setara dengan performa live nya yang emang prima kali ya. kalo Beyonce terkenal banget sama vibra yang khas Beyonce banget. selain itu, beyonce akhirnya terpilih juga sebagai wanita terseksi si suatu awards di inggris. dalam Cove Magazine, Beyonce menduduki urutan ke 6.

Voice type: Full Soprano
Highest pitch: D6, E6, F6 enables the
Tone Low: C3, D3
Vocal range: (approx) 3.5 octaves (C3-E6)

Beyonce is a singer who recently won Grammy awards as well 6 Nomination, a Women of the Year in the same year and some times also ranked # 1 for its single illboard Music. probably on par with his live performance weve prime time yes. Beyonce if known very same characteristic vibra Beyonce really. besides, beyonce finally selected as well as the sexiest woman in the UK to be present awards. in the Cove Magazine, Beyonce ranks 6.
Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston (lahir di Newark, New Jersey, Amerika Serikat, 9 Agustus 1963; umur 46 tahun) adalah seorang penyanyi pop dan R&B, artis, produser rekaman, penulis lagu dan mantan model Amerika Serikat. Kesuksesannnya membuka pintu bagi para penyanyi Afrika-Amerika yang lain, khususnya dari kalangan wanita, untuk sukses di dunia musik.[1][2] Dia juga sering sekali dijuluki sebagai "The Voice".[3][4] Whitney Houston dikenal sebagai salah seorang diva pop yang memiliki jangkauan suara 5 oktaf. Ia juga dikenal karena kemampuan penyanyi pop-gospel yang bersuara indah dan kuat. [5]

Whitney Houston (born in Newark, New Jersey, USA, August 9, 1963, age 46 years) is a pop singer and R & B, artist, record producer, songwriter and former model of the United States. Kesuksesannnya opened the door for African-American singer to another, especially among women, to succeed in the music world. [1] [2] She is also often referred to as "The Voice". [3] [4] Whitney Houston is known as the one pop diva who has a 5 octave voice range. He is also known for his ability to pop-gospel singer whose voice is beautiful and powerful. [5]

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